Community Information
This page contains information that may be of general interest to the community.
Following is a message from Ottawa Safety Council on March 21, 2022.
Do you love being outside?
Do you have spare time in the morning or afternoon?
You might love being a Crossing Guard!
Shifts are during morning and afternoon school bell times. The average shift is 40-60 minutes and paid $17 per shift.
It’s a great way to give back to the community!
For more details and to apply please see
Cedarhill Golf and Country Club Application
March 17, 2022 - Message from the president of the Cedarhill Community Association
Hello Cedarhill neighbours
The purpose of this email is to inform you of a recent development that may potentially have a significant impact on our community.
On 7 March 2022, we were informed by our ward councillor, Jan Harder, that the Cedarhill Golf and Country Club has filed an application with the Superior Court of Justice requesting “among other things, a declaration that a portion of the Subdivision Agreement registered in connection with the development of the golf course and surrounding area is invalid. The sections of the Subdivision Agreement which the owner seeks to invalidate relate to the owner’s obligations to operate a golf course on the golf course lands and the City’s rights to step in and operate the golf course or use the golf course lands for other recreational purposes in the event that the owner fails to operate and maintain the golf course.”
The expected date of the hearing is May 26, 2022.
The Board of Directors is currently in the process of obtaining the pertinent documents and other information and advice that will enable us to evaluate the potential impact of this application on our community and to assess our options.
We will be working in conjunction with the Orchard Estates Community Association, as well as Onassa Springs and Lytle Avenue residents, who will also be impacted by this application. We are also reaching out to both Kanata Lakes Golf Course and Stonebridge Golf Course communities who have themselves faced similar issues.
It is of note that the current owner of the Cedarhill Golf and Country Club, among other things, is a real-estate developer.
We will be looking for assistance from those residents with relevant experience or expertise in this type of issue to assist. Given the urgency due to the short timelines, it is the intent of the Board to immediately establish a task force to address this issue in a proactive manner and are looking to residents of Cedarhill to participate in the task force. Once we have the documents in hand we can develop the appropriate strategy.
Our community is fortunate to host extraordinary individuals with a vast array of talent, expertise, and experience in many different areas that could be of immense value in helping to protect the character and nature of the community that we cherish. We will be looking to you for your input and assistance because we cannot do this alone.
As this issue evolves, we will be providing updates at significant intervals and seeking your direction from time to time.
As always, any questions or comments can be sent to president@cedarhillcommunity.c
We look forward to your support and involvement on this important issue.
Free Cycling Information in Barrhaven
May 23, 2012 -- As part of Bike to Work Month, EnviroCentre has organized a series of free presentations on commuter cycling throughout the city of Ottawa. The next presentation is this Thursday (May 24) in Barrhaven.
Dear Community Association,
As you may already know, Victim Assistance Services of Ottawa-Carleton has recently changed names and we are now known as Ottawa Victim Services. Ottawa Victim Services provides emotional support, practical assistance, referrals and advocacy to individuals who have been victimized as a result of a crime or tragic circumstance, without judgment in order to lessen the impact of victimization.
Support for individuals who have been victimized as a result of crime or tragic circumstance is provided by professional staff and trained volunteers by telephone, on-scene and in our victim service's office. Clients can access our services through referrals from community service agencies, the Police or self referrals. Some examples of what our agency can assist members of your community with include accompaniment to appointments and to retrieve personal belongings with Police support, safety planning, funeral arrangements, filling out forms, accessing financial supports as well as emotional support and advocacy.
Our contact information remains the same and we can be reached by phone at 613-238-2762. Our after hours pager number is 613-566-1777 and should only be used by referring agencies and the Police. Our new website is If you require any further information or want to request a presentation of our services, please feel free to give the office a call at 613-238-2762.
L'association communautaire,
Comme vous pouvez déjà le constater, les Services d'Aide aux Victimes d'Ottawa-Carleton a récemment changé de nom et nous sommes maintenant connus en tant que les Services aux Victimes d'Ottawa. Les Services aux Victimes d'Ottawa (SVO) fournit un soutien émotionnel, une assistance pratique, des recommandations et une défense des intérêts aux individus qui ont été victimes de crime ou de circonstance tragique, sans jugement afin d'alléger l'impact d'être une victime
Le soutien des individus, qui ont été des victimes en raison d'un crime ou de circonstance tragique, est fourni par le personnel professionnel et les bénévoles qualifiés par téléphone, sur-scène et dans notre bureau de services aux victimes. Les clients peuvent accéder à nos services par des recommandations des agences de service à la communauté, de la police ou de soi-même. Quelques exemples des services auxquelles notre agence peut aider membres de ton communaute avec incluent l'accompagnement aux rendez-vous et pour récupérer les objets personnels avec l'appui de la police, un plan de sécurité, les arrangements funèbres, l'aide avec le remplissage des formulaires, l'accès à l'aide financière ainsi que le soutien émotionnel et la défense des intérêts.
Notre information de contact demeure la même et nous pouvons être atteints par téléphone au 613-238-2762. Notre téléavertisseur après nos heures d'ouverture est 613-566-1777 et devrait seulement être utilisé par les agences de recommandations et la police. Notre nouveau site Web est Si vous avez besoin de toute autre information ou vous voulez une présentation de nos services, sentez-vous libre de nous contacter au 613-238-2762.
June, 2009
Information Regarding Coyotes
Feb 16, 2008 -- There has been some concern recently about coyotes in the area. The City of Ottawa has has provided us with the following information regarding coyotes:
- Coyotes do not pose a threat to humans. They have been coexisting with humans, particularly in agricultural areas where many small rodents and other food live, for many, many years.
- It has been a very difficult winter for coyotes so far -- one of the worst in the last 10-15 years or so -- causing them to move closer to human habitation in search of food and resulting in increased sightings.
- If you have seen a coyote, do not panic or approach the animal.
- Residents should animal proof their property -- contain refuse properly, refrain from leaving pets and pet food outdoors, keep pets under control and supervised, etc. -- to discourage hungry coyotes.
- Trapping and relocation are not viable options, and should certainly not be attempted by the general public for many reasons including safety.
- The attached fact sheets and link below provide more detailed information.
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Dealing With Problem Wildlife [ French version ] |
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How_to_Deal_with_Coyotes [ French version ] |
Additionally, you may want to check out this web site: